Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Well, I've got quite a bit I want to write about right now...

First, Patrick went to his ped yesterday for a follow up on his chronic constipation. And the news wasn't what we wanted to hear. She did an x-ray to see if he had been able to clear the stool out of his body, and it appears he is still very full. At this time we are going to try suppositories, milk of magnesia, and continue with his current dose of Miralax. Then he will have a follow up x-ray and appointment on Monday. Considering that his stools have been really loose, almost to the point of liquid is a concern to everyone. I really though we would go in and be told we could back up on his Miralax dose, but we re being told the opposite. Now just so everyone knows, this isn't just an issue that popped up. This is something we tried dealing with an home before ever taking him to the Dr. I've increased his fiber, given him apple juice, tired increasing his fruit and vegetable intake (which is hard since he's a picky eater), and that kind of stuff. He's been on this Miralax for a month now and it doesn't seem to be doing anything. I don't know what the next step is, but I have a feeling we will be finding out on Monday.

Also, we still don't have our orders to move!!! We are getting beyond frustrated at this point. We've known where we are going for almost 2 months and no one can seem to get us our orders. Robert has had to reenlist in order to get them. Not that this is a bad thing, but he was only able to reenlist for 4 years instead of the 6 that we had originally planned. Not that big a deal, but if we had been told sooner it could have been taken care of a while ago. Instead here we sit and wait. As far as we know we are still supposed to be at our new duty station by October 30th, and we still don't have a date and time set to pack our belongings. Again, I say I am beyond frustrated!

And last, but not least...for the first time since they started school, Michael didn't want to go to school. He thought his Daddy had left during the night for a long time again and didn't want to go to school without Daddy. Needless to say, Robert had to come home from work to see him get on the school bus. It was the first time I had realized how much him being in and out of the kids' lives had affected them. I'm so happy he is home and will be for a while.

Although that was a lot of random stuff it sure feels good to get it out. Thanks for reading it you made it this far.

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